Upcoming Talks:
- “Challenges and Opportunities from Quantum-Safe Cryptography” - NDC Security in Oslo, January, 2025.
- “Zero Knowledge Proofs: Technical Challenges, Applications, and Real-world Deployment” (first half, second half) - NIST Workshop on Privacy-Enhancing Cryptography, September, 2024. Joint talk with Akira Takahashi.
- “Recent Advances in Lattice-Based Electronic Voting” - Queensland University of Technology, April, 2024.
- “Verifiable Mix-Nets and Distributed Decryption for Voting from Lattice-Based Assumptions” - ACM CCS, Nov, 2023.
- “Lattice-Based Electronic Voting” - IMDEA Software Madrid, September, 2023.
- “Lattice-Based Threshold Signatures” - NTNU Applied Cryptology Lab, September, 2023.
- “Kvantesikker kryptografi: slutten på starten” - Sikkerhetsfestivalen, August 2023.
- “Secure authentication with FIDO, Biometrics and Security Keys” - Sikkerhetsfestivalen, August 2023.
- “Sikker autentisering i en kvanteverden” - Sikkerhetsfagkveld hos Bekk, September, 2022.
- “Smittestopp dissekert” - Seminar om smittesporing ved UiO, September, 2022.
- “The quantum (in-)secure future of the financial sector” - Cyber Security in 20 minutes, September, 2022.
- “Er cyberangrep nesten ustoppelig? Passordknekking på 1-2-3” - Ctrl/Alt-konferansen, September, 2022.
- “Privacy-Preserving Cryptography from Zero-Knowledge Proofs” - Thesis @ PhD Defence, August, 2022.
- “MEGA: Malleable Encryption Goes Awry” - Trial Lecture @ PhD Defence, August, 2022.
- Panel: “Passord er farlig og utdatert. Hva nå?” - Arendalsuka, August, 2022.
- “Achieving Security from Cryptography AND Biometrics” - Norwegian Biometric Forum 2022, May, 2022.
- “Verifiable Decryption for BGV” - VOTING’22, April, 2022.
- Panel: “Covid Vaccination Credentials” - Brown University, February, 2022.
- “Lattice-Based Proof of Shuffle and Applications to Electronic Voting” - UMD Crypto Reading Group, October, 2021.
- “Private Contact Tracing and Anonymous Tickets” - Anonymous Credentials Meeting, Online, July 2021.
- “Anonymous Tokens for more Private Contact Tracing”- OWASP Norway, Online, June 2021.
- “Lattice-Based Proof of Shuffle and Applications to Electronic Voting” – Cryptographers Track at the RSA Conference 2021, Online, May 2021.
- “Anonyme attester i Smittestopp” – The Norwegian Data Protection Authority, Online, March 2021.
- “Anonymous Tokens and Private Contact Tracing” – NTNU Applied Cryptology Lab, Online, February 2021.
- “Lattice-Based Verifiable Shuffle and Decryption” – NTNU Applied Cryptology Lab, Online, December 2020.
- “Verifiable Random Secrets and Subliminal-Free Signatures” - Master Presentation, Trondheim, August 2020.
- “Challenges in End-to-End Encrypted Group Messaging” - Cryptographic Protocols and Their Applications, Trondheim, June 2020.
- “Intro til Kryptografi” - The Norwegian Mathematical Olympiad Preparation Camp, Trondheim, January 2020.
- “Electronic voting using lattice-based commitments and verifiable encryption” – Aarhus Crypto Seminar, Aarhus, November 2019.
- “Sikkerhet i en post-kvante verden” – Sikkerhetsfestivalen, Lillehammer, August 2019.
- “Jeg elsker relevant reklame” – Sikkerhetsfestivalen, Lillehammer, August 2019.
- “Cryptography 101 & Secure Computation” – Center for Security and Emerging Technology at Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., August 2019.
- “Side-Channel Attacks” – Applied Cryptography and Network Security, Trondheim, March 2019.
- “Where is the web still insecure? Regional scans for HTTPS certificates” – Norwegian Information Security Conference, Svalbard, September 2018.
Other Talks:
- “Scientific Dissemination and Public Outreach” - Seminar at the Department of Physics - NTNU, September 2022.
- “Experiences and challenges being i PhD-candidate” - Intro-seminar for new PhD students at IE - NTNU, April 2022.
- “Programmering og algoritmisk tenking” - Math. Mod. and ICT in the Teaching of Mathematics, March 2021.
- “Koderessurser og erfaringer” - Applied Programming for Teachers, Trondheim, March 2020.
- “Pedagogikk-kurs for Vektorassistenter” – Vektorprogrammet, Trondheim, February 2020.
- “Algoritmisk tenkning” - Math. Mod. and ICT in the Teaching of Mathematics, Trondheim, January 2020.
- “Pedagogikk-kurs for Vektorassistenter” – Vektorprogrammet, Trondheim, August 2019.
- “Du lærer ikke å forske i forelesning” – StudForsk, Trondheim, October 2018.