

More Efficient Lattice-Based Electronic Voting from NTRU, IACR Communications in Cryptology, Volume 1, 2024.
Joint work with Patrick Hough and Caroline Sandsbråten.

Two-Round Threshold Lattice-Based Signatures from Threshold Homomorphic Encryption, PQCrypto 2024.
Joint work with Kamil Doruk Gur and Jonathan Katz.

BRAKE: Biometric Resilient Authenticated Key Exchange, IEEE Access, Volume 12, 2024.
Joint work with Pia Bauspieß, Matej Poljuha, Alexandre Tullot and Anamaria Costache.

Verifiable Mix-Nets and Distributed Decryption for Voting from Lattice-Based Assumptions, ACM CCS 2023.
Joint work with Diego F. Aranha, Carsten Baum and Kristian Gjøsteen.

Verifiable Decryption in the Head, Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy 2022.
Joint work with Kristian Gjøsteen, Thomas Haines, Johannes Müller and Peter Rønne.

Short paper: Return Codes from Lattice Assumptions, E-Vote-ID Conference 2022.
Joint work with Audhild Høgåsen.

Short paper: Verifiable Decryption for BGV, the Workshop on Advances in Secure Electronic Voting 2022.

Anonymous Tokens with Public Metadata and Applications to Private Contact Tracing, Financial Crypto 2022.
Joint work with Martin Strand.

Lattice-Based Proof of Shuffle and Applications to Electronic Voting, Cryptographers’ Track RSA Conference 2021.
Joint work with Diego F. Aranha, Carsten Baum, Kristian Gjøsteen and Thor Tunge.

Short paper: Where is the Web Still Insecure? Regional Scans for HTTPS Certificates, NISK 2018.
Joint work with Anushua Hossain and Kristina Nelson. (Presentation, Code)


I am Co-Principal Investigator of the project “OffPAD – Optimizing balance between high security and usability” funded by the Research Council Norwegian with 16M NOK for research on lightweight and post-quantum secure cryptography. This is a joint project with among others Danilo Gligoroski at NTNU and the cybersecurity company Pone Biometrics.

I received 765K NOK from the scientific equipment fund at IE Faculty - Research to build a cryptology lab for theoretical and practical cryptographic research and education. The CRYPTO-LAB is located at Electro A176.

We received seed funding of 200K NOK from NTNU Community to the project “Cryptography and social life”, joint work with Katrien De Moor, Emil André Røyrvik, and Petter Grytten Almklov.

Theses, Reports and Implementations

Privacy-Preserving Cryptography from Zero-Knowledge Proofs, PhD Thesis, 2022.

Library: Anonymous Tokens, open-source library, 2020.
Joint work with Henrik Walker Moe and Martin Strand. (Docs, Slides, Award)

Verifiable Random Secrets and Subliminal-Free Digital Signatures, Master’s Thesis, 2020.

Challenges in E2E Encrypted Group Messaging, Technical Report, 2020.

Comparative Study of ECC Libraries for Embedded Devices, Technical Report, 2019.

Bilinear Pairings of Elliptic Curves, Bachelor’s Thesis, 2015.